Certification of Trust


A credit union opening or modifying a trust account may require the trustee to provide a certification of trust in accordance with California Probate Code ?18100.5 to establish the existence or the terms of the underlying trust. This form identifies the key information set forth in ?18100.5 and can be completed by the trustee in lieu of providing his or her own certification of trust. It should be acknowledged before a notary public or other authorized person.


A credit union opening or modifying a trust account may require the trustee to provide a certification of trust in accordance with California Probate Code ?18100.5 to establish the existence or the terms of the underlying trust. This form identifies the key information set forth in ?18100.5 and can be completed by the trustee in lieu of providing his or her own certification of trust. It should be acknowledged before a notary public or other authorized person.
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